We rehearse at Boulder Valley Christian Church every Monday night from 6:30pm-9:00pm. Visitors are welcome, and we encourage you to drop by! Please contact us at [email protected] ahead of time so we can give you more detailed instructions on how to find the rehearsal room and answer any questions you might have.

What to Expect

When you arrive at rehearsal, you will be greeted by one of our members who will provide you with copies of our current music and help you figure out which part you'd like to sing for the night. Rehearsal usually begins with a brief physical warm-up, followed by vocal warm-ups. The remainder of the night is focused on improving our current repertoire. After rehearsal, there will be some administrative announcements and socializing.

Music Expectations

We do not expect you to know the music before your visit, and it is okay if you cannot read music! Just relax, enjoy, the harmonies, and jump in when you can.

Physical Expectations

We generally rehearse standing on risers the whole time, but chairs are available for those who need them. Please take care of yourself and rest when you need to. We also have a brief physical warm-up at the beginning of rehearsal. Participation is encouraged, but if you have physical limitations, please only do what you are comfortable with.

Clothing Expectations

There is no official dress code. Members generally wear comfortable clothes that allow freedom of movement, especially when we are working on choreography.


Boulder Valley Christian Church
7100 S Boulder Rd
Boulder, CO 80303